Done-for-you Systems and Processes

Running a children's activity business requires well-oiled systems and processes to operate efficiently, stay profitable, and streamline everyday tasks. That’s where our Done For You services come in—to help you focus on what matters most: scaling and growing your business while freeing up your time.

Why Choose Done For You?

As the CEO of your brand, it’s essential to focus on your zone of genius. Our Done For You services allow you to delegate crucial systems that others can handle, so you can pour your energy into the big-picture strategies that move your business forward. With this approach, you gain time efficiency and speed, while we ensure your business runs like a well-oiled machine.


  • Installing your CRM and set up

  • Creating your enrolment system for trials and new members

  • Creating your enrolment system for parties, camps and extra services you offer

  • Designing Social Graphics and Content

  • Creating your retention, referral, reactivation and renewal campaigns


  • Creating Your Recruitment System

  • Creating your team training system

  • Playbooks Designed

Organisation & Branding

  • Project management tool set up

  • Set up for your team focusing on your key areas of growth

  • Landing Pages

  • Website Tweaks


  • Building Your Sales System

  • Developing your tracking system

  • Designing your cash flow set up

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